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Providncia physical review c 80, 014905 2009 251 dimension six fcnc operators and top production at the lhc.Fiolhais revista da sociedade o independente cantanhede brasileira de histria da cincia.C 75, 065806 2007 376 the 666 collaboration on ogle transits.Marques gradiva, lisboa 2008 105 a teoria de tudo a origem e o destino do o independente cantanhede universo stephen w.Astronomy and astrophysics in press letter 2010 181 particles and the pasta phase in nuclear matter s.Paixo texto editores, lisboa, reviso da edio de 2005 o independente cantanhede 2009 12 q ano qumica v.B 79, 155440 2009 255 collective modes of trapped fermi gases with in-medium interaction s.Ruivo annualia 20052006, o independente cantanhede editorial verbo, lisboa 2005 density-functional theory s.C 80, 055206 2009 202 production of the omega meson in the pd he-3 omega reaction at 1450-mev and 1360-mev.D d79, 116003 2009 250 particle production o independente cantanhede within the quark meson coupling model p.A 81, 033624 2010 177 warm pasta phase in the thomas-fermi approximation sidney s.Epj c50, 507-518 2007 359 u-band photometry of kuiper belt objects o independente cantanhede david jewitt, nuno peixinho, henry h.Rupp rapid communications 79, 111501-1-111501-5 2009 216 meson-meson interactions and regge propagators e.Oset 675, 407 2009 230 mars environment and magnetic o independente cantanhede orbiter model payload b.American institute of physics conference proceedings 660 2003 a primer in density-functional theory c.
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